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02 6643 5646
Fax us on
02 6643 5746

Find us at
89 Alice St,
Grafton NSW 2460

Exercise Physiology

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP’s) are 4-year University qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise and lifestyle modifications for the prevention and management of chronic disease and injuries. AEP's are skilled professionals who are passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle and the positive effects of exercise. On a daily basis they work to provide the skills, education and motivation to empower individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Individuals may be eligible to see an AEP via referral from their GP under Medicare, Workcover NSW and Department of Veterans Affairs or NDIS. Speak with your GP to see if you qualify. Private patients are also eligible for private health rebates. As AEP's specialise in the delivery of exercise, they can utilise both individual and group exercise sessions to produce the best clinical outcomes, in a fun, safe environment.
Exercise Physiology, Diabetes, Lifestyle Management and Exercise for Osteo Arthritis
Addresses with concrete solutions, durable exercise and lifestyle change to address the risk your activity level, diet and lifestyle pose to your health.
Better Breathing/Pulmonary Exercise Programme
Uses respiratory training via exercise to improve your inspiratory volume, vital capacity, quality of life and reduces the number of hospital admissions, particularly in sedentary people with a respiratory problem.
Parkinsons, NDIS, Exercise with Disability
Exercise Physiology is instrumental in achieving your best active life regardless of disability.
Our AEP, Kylie Duff, is a passionate advocate in the life changing impact of exercise with disability, from greater independence, mobility, and the freedom of choice exercise provides to lead an active life.